The summary of telecommunication level fiber optic jumper

by:Fiber Hope     2020-05-25

grade telecom fiber optic jumper level telecom fiber optic jumper is a type of fiber optic jumper, jump to optical fiber is also used for equipment wiring link connection, the insertion loss is generally lower than 0. 3 db。 Telecom grade fiber optic jumper has a thick layer of protection, common Yu Guangduan machine and the connection between the terminal box.

telecommunication level characteristics of fiber optic jumper wire

grade telecom fiber optic jumper has low insertion loss, repeatability is good, good interchangeability and good environmental adaptability.

telecommunication level structure of the fiber optic jumper wire

telecommunication level structure of optical fiber jumpers and coaxial cable are similar, just grade telecom fiber optic jumper wire mesh shielding layer, core center is the spread of the light glass, outside the core is a refractive index is lower than the core layer of glass envelope, wrap fiber within the core, core, there is a thin layer of plastic coat to protect the sleeve and we call it a protective sleeve.

telecommunication level classification of fiber optic jumper wire

telecommunication level can be divided into the multimode fiber optic jumpers levels telecommunications and single-mode optical fiber jumpers telecom fiber optic jumper, multimode telecommunication level of fiber optic jumper wire fiber diameter of 15 ~ 50 microns, suitable for short distance transport, grade and single mode of telecom fiber optic jumper wire fiber diameter is 8 ~ 10 microns, suitable for long distance transmission.

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