OM1, OM2, what is the distinguishing feature of OM3 and OM4 fiber?

by:Fiber Hope     2020-06-08

a, OM1, OM2, OM3 and OM4 fiber parameters and specification comparison

nm OM1 refers to 850/1300 full injection in the 200/500 MHZ bandwidth. Km above 50 um or 62. 5 um multimode optical fiber core diameter,

nm OM2 refers to 850/1300 full injection in the 500/500 MHZ bandwidth. Km above 50 um or 62. 5 um multimode optical fiber core diameter,

OM3 is 850 nm laser optimization of 50 um multimode optical fiber core diameter, using 850 - nm VCSEL 10 gb/s Ethernet, optical fiber transmission distance can reach 300 m;

OM4 is updated version, with OM3 much fiber-optic mode optical fiber transmission distance up to 550 m.

2, OM1, OM2, the design of the OM3 and OM4 fiber compared to

traditional OM1 and OM2 multimode optical fiber from the standard and design on the LED ( Light Emitting Diode Light Emitting Diode) Way on the basis of the light source, and the OM3 and OM4 is optimized on the basis of OM2, make its applicable guang-yuan yu for LD (at the same time Laser Diode Laser Diode) The transmission;

compared with OM1, OM2 OM3 has higher transmission rate and bandwidth, so as to optimize the multimode fiber or Wan Zhao multimode optical fiber;

OM4 then optimized on the basis of the OM3, have better performance.

OM1, OM2, OM3 and comparison of the functions and features of OM4 fiber

OM1: core diameter and numerical aperture is bigger, has the strong ability of concentrated and resistance to bending properties;

OM2: core diameter and numerical aperture is small, effectively reduce the multimode optical fiber mode dispersion, and increase significantly the bandwidth, production costs and reduce 1/3;

OM3: using flame retardant sheath, can prevent the spread of flame, prevent emits smoke, acid gases and gas, etc. , and meet the needs of the 10 gb/s transmission rate.

OM4: for VSCEL laser transmission and development, the effective bandwidth than OM3 much more than double.

3, OM1, OM2, OM3 and OM4 fiber application contrast

OM1 and OM2 widely deployed for years in building internal applications, support a maximum of 1 gb Ethernet transmission;

OM3 and OM4 fiber is often used to wiring in the data center environment, support 10 g even 40/100 g high-speed Ethernet network transmission.

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